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Grangetown Primary

Year 6 - Miss McLoughlin

Dates For Your Diary

  • The children will be swimming at Southmoor every Tuesday morning until the half term break.  They will need to bring swimming shorts/costumes and a towel.  Girls with long hair will need to wear a swimming cap.  We do have caps the children can borrow.
  • The children will be visiting Nineteen Seventeen at Holy Trinity Church on Monday 16th September.  The children will be taking part in an art/DT workshop called 'Sunderland and the Sea'.  The children will be walking to and from the workshop.  There isn't a cost for this visit.
  • On Monday 21st October, the children will be visiting Beamish Museum as part of their learning about the Victorians.  The cost of the visit is £11.00 and the children can bring up to £5.00 spending money.  We will be returning to school between 4.30pm and 4.45pm depending on the traffic.  A letter has been sent home about this.
  • The Harvest Festival assembly will take place on Wednesday 23rd October.  More information about this, including times, will be sent home nearer the time.

autumn 1

This term the children will be learning all about the Victorians in their History lessons.  They will learn about Queen Victoria, the lifestyles of people in Victorian Britain and the social changes that occurred during this time.  Our visit to Beamish will allow the children to take part in a Victorian school lesson.  Our English is linked to our History lessons.  The children will be reading a child's version of Oliver Twist and will write their own version of this story.  They will also write a newspaper article about Oliver Twist.  In Science, the children will be creating electrical circuits and using the correct symbols to draw them.  In DT, they will use their electricity knowledge to create a buzzer toy game.  In RE, the children will consider the Story of Creation In Christianity and consider where it fits with scientific explanations of creation. In Computing, the children will consider technology in the past, the present and the future.  


Swimming at Southmoor

The children's first outing as Year 6 was to go to Southmoor for their swimming lessons.  The children were all excited and enjoyed being back in the pool.  The lessons allow the children who are already confident swimmers to develop their skills.  For the children who are less confident in the water, the lessons allow them to become happier in the water and with the aim to swim the width of the pool.


The children enjoyed working on our raised bed in the courtyard.  Some of the children volunteered to help plant winter pansies and daffodil and tulip bulbs ready for the Spring.  The children helped to clear any weeds and we arranged the plants and bulbs carefully.  The children are going to water the plants regularly and keep our plot weed free.  We are looking forward to seeing the sheets of our bulbs appearing in the Spring.