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Grangetown Primary

Year 3 - Mrs Bracknall and Mrs Mitchell

Important things to remember:

  • Please remember to bring in reading books and home/school diaries every day.  Children are expected to read at home at least 3 times a week. Please sign your child's Home School Diary when you have listened to them read.
  • Reading books will be changed on a Tuesday and/or a Friday
  • Learning at Home folders should be returned on a Thursday and new work will be given out on a Friday.
  • Our P.E. day is a Tuesday. Children may come to school dressed in their jogging bottoms with their school tops. Please ensure the correct PE kit is worn along with suitable, non-marking footwear or plimsoles (not black soled trainers). Jewellery should not be worn on this day and please make sure hair is tied back.
  • Football with Arj is on a Tuesday lunchtime. Please bring football kits to school to change into.
  • New spellings will be given out on a Friday, therefore spelling books should be returned on a Friday. Children will be tested on their spellings on a Friday.
  • Water bottles should be brought in to school every day.


 Autumn Term


We've had such a fantastic half term and we have been up to so many different things.

Our unit in Science was our 'Animals including Humans' unit and we learned all about the different food groups and how much of each food group we need to eat. We then had a task of creating a pizza that contained several food groups.