PE Days / PE Kit
Your child's PE Days for Autumn Term 2024 are (to be added at the start of term):
- Nursery -
- Reception -
- Year 1CT -
- Year 1HF -
- Y2NR -
- Y2OL -
- Year 3NB -
- Year 4BM -
- Year 4EH -
- Year 5JR -
- Year 6LM -
- Year 6AM -
P.E. Kit
- For PE, the children should wear plain black or navy shorts, and a plain white T-shirt. Plain black or navy gym skirts for girls are fine.
- Football tops, and multi-coloured or striped shorts, are not part of our PE Uniform.
- Footwear - trainers or plimsolls.
- Some girls are wearing PE skirts with ‘built-in shorts’ – these are fine as an alternative to regular short
- We do allow girls to wear leggings for PE - these should be plain black or navy leggings with no branding or 'accessorising'.
- If PE is outdoors, plain navy jogging bottoms can be worn, plus a sweatshirt top. If a PE session is to be held outdoors, we will give you advance notice of this, including information of whether it will be on the playground or on the field.
- For outdoor football sessions (or other outdoor sessions in damp conditions), all children will need appropriate footwear. These can be in the form of sturdy trainers, which may get very muddy, or football boots. They should be kept separate from other P.E. kit.
- For outdoor football on grass – lunchtime or after school club – football boots are recommended. In very dry conditions, trainers are sometimes better – our teachers and coaches will provide advice in advance.
Wearing PE Kit on PE Days
We’re continuing our policy of allowing the children to wear PE kit to school on PE days. However, given the chilly weather, the children should wear plain navy jogging bottoms and a school sweatshirt or jumper over the PE kit, to keep them warm. Please note that PE kit is a plain top & plain shorts, not football tops or football shorts or other overly branded items.
New for Autumn 2024
We will be introducing the option of a navy hoodie, to be worn over a t-shirt on PE days. These are optional. WE are still getting these priced up, and there will also be an unbadged Asda option. More details in September.
For health & safety reasons, jewellery must not be worn for school. This includes bracelets, necklaces & fancy earrings. If a parent wants their child to have pierced ears, a small, plain stud may be worn for school. Sparkly, gemstone type ear-rings are not permitted. Hooped and drop earrings are not allowed as these are a potential safety hazard. Studs must be removed for PE, or simply not worn on a PE day. If your child is unable to remove the stud, please ensure that it’s not worn on a PE day.