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Grangetown Primary

Ofsted inspections

Ofsted Inspection - 15th-16th November 2022


  • We were inspected by Ofsted in November 2022. Read the full Report here
  • For some Key Quotes from our Ofsted Inspection Report, click here.
  • For our letter to parents & carers, on the publication of our Report, click here.
  • For the Echo article featuring our inspection, click here.

"There is a strong sense of community at Grangetown Primary School. Pupils feel happy, safe and well cared for here. Pupils say the teachers are the best thing about their school. "

"Pupils are very respectful and behave well. Bullying is not a problem in the school. If it does happen, adults deal with it swiftly. "

"Pupils demonstrate positive attitudes towards learning in lessons."

"Leaders carefully consider pupils’ wider development. They are keen for pupils to have a range of experiences throughout their time at the school. Pupils speak enthusiastically about trips they have been on, for example to Segedunum Roman Fort."

"The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. Leaders know pupils and their families well. Pupils say they feel safe in school. They know they can talk to an adult if they have any worries."

Ofsted Inspection - June 2017

Good School

  • We were inspected by Ofsted in June 2017. Read the full Report here
  • For some Key Quotes from our Ofsted Inspection Report of June 2017, click here.
  • For our letter to parents, following our 2017 Inspection, click here.

"The school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare is outstanding....Pupils are happy at school because they feel valued in this highly supportive and positive environment." 

"The school’s work with parents and pupils is exemplary in promoting positive behaviour and overcoming barriers to learning….Pupils show a visible pride in their school and their learning….Pupils have exciting and high-quality opportunities to learn in a wide range of subjects." 

"Children are happy, engaged and curious through the many stimulating opportunities to learn….Pupils value the kindness and support of their teachers." 

Ofsted Inspection - February 2013


  • We were inspected by Ofsted in February 2013. Read the full Report here
  • For some Key Quotes from our Ofsted Inspection Report of February 2013, click here.
  • For our letter to parents, following our 2013 Inspection, click here.
  • Read about our Ofsted Inspection in the Sunderland Echo, here

"The school is a ‘learning family’ where all staff are good role models. The school succeeds in encouraging pupils to behave well through a calm, caring and supportive atmosphere." 

"Achievement is good in all subjects and for all groups of pupils. Teaching is consistently good across the school." 

"The curriculum promotes pupils’ achievement & spiritual, moral, social & cultural development extremely well. It provides exciting opportunities for pupils that capture their interest." 

Ofsted Inspection - March 2011

  • We were inspected by Ofsted in March 2011. Read the full Report here.
  • For some Key Quotes from our Ofsted Inspection Report of March 2011, click here.
  • Read about our Ofsted Inspection in the Sunderland Echo, here.

"This is a satisfactory and rapidly-improving school. Strong leadership, improved teaching and learning and good use of data have halted the decline in attainment and pupils’ progress and have turned this school around." 

"Pupils’ behaviour is good; they get along well together, are polite, enjoy their learning and are keen to take part in all that the school has to offer. All pupils say they feel safe in school and that there is little if any bullying." 

"Staff ‘go the extra mile’ to engage with and support families."