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Grangetown Primary



At Grangetown Primary School, Science is a fundamental part of our curriculum. Teachers are aware that Science is happening everywhere and utilise opportunities to challenge children and encourage them to ask questions, think logically and discuss findings. From mixing water and powder paint in Early Years to choosing a range of balanced food groups in the dinner hall, Science flows throughout the day-to-day experiences in GPS as well as in science lessons. Science at Grangetown is practical and offers many opportunities for children to carry out frequent enquiries, developing knowledge, resilience and problem-solving. Children learn about how science has adapted the world that we live in today and develop a sense of pride for their heritage. As a school, we are aware of how vital STEM careers are to economic growth. Through workshops, trips, research and visitors, children are driven to learn about STEM careers and are inspired think about how their future could help to form a better world and how they can become budding Scientists.

Intent, Implementation, Impact


At Grangetown Primary School we believe that children are naturally inquisitive and we encourage this through our science curriculum. We intend to equip children with a high-quality science education, through the disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics to provide the foundation for understanding the world. The children will be taught aspects of knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science. Scientific knowledge will underpin lessons to ensure children develop a secure understanding of the concepts taught. Through enquiry and investigations, children will explore the conceptual understanding and develop a sense of excitement about natural phenomena. Lessons will inspire the children’s interest and spark curious minds which develop a lifelong love of learning of science at GPS and beyond.  Our curriculum will equip the children to understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave, and analyse causes.


At Grangetown we have an enquiry based approach which allows children to be active learners. We ensure the curriculum is relevant, purposeful and matched to the learners’ needs and abilities.  For each year group, we have identified the knowledge and skills we want the children to have as well as the relevant vocabulary. Content has been arranged in a carefully sequenced way, to ensure that what is taught builds upon prior learning. Children’s learning of a curriculum area is extended through carefully planned visits and visitors as well as themed days. Science work is recorded in the children’s science books and through pupil voice on Seesaw but links can also be found in English books, sketch books and in ICT.


Through engaging, exciting and challenging lessons, our children develop an interest in science and enjoy sharing their knowledge both in class and often as a home based project.  The children develop a sense of awe and wonder and are keen to question the world they live in. They enjoy and understand the links made with other subjects. At school we measure the impact of science through the children’s ability to demonstrate their skills; through talking to the children about their science work; observations of lessons; end of unit tests and monitoring of science books by the science subject leader. Assessments highlight the impact that learning has on the scientific knowledge, technical vocabulary and skills of the children.

Our Science Policy

Our Science policy is here.

Curriculum Map for Science

Our Science Subject Map provides an overview of what we teach across EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.

Long Term Planning

Our Long Term Planning for Science, across Key Stages 1 & 2, is here.

Medium Term Planning

Science in Action!

 Science Week 2024

This year’s Science week was an outstanding success with so many amazing and exciting activities planned for each year group.

To kick start the week Nursery, Year 1 and Year 2 worked with Change for Life to learn how plants grow. We planted our own peas and can’t wait to watch them grow. We also learned about healthy and unhealthy food.

Reception, Year 3 and Year 4 took part in an explosive workshop led by Science Buddies where they created explosions and combined different mixtures to create fizzes. It really was explosive!

Year 6 visited Bede College for a STEM event where the children all made their own clocks by experimenting with wires and weights to make pendulums which would swing in seconds. Year 6 also visited Southmoor Academy and took part in Science lessons. They used a ray box, which produces light, to measure the size of a shadow produced by an opaque object.  The children recorded the height of the shadow at different distances.

Year 5 were lucky enough to be one of a few schools in Sunderland to have a moon map delivered, in partnership with Sunderland University and enjoyed an online lesson about the life of an astronaut.

Year 1 visited Hendon Community Allotments and found out how to prepare beds ready for planting. They also found out what can be planted at what time of the year.

The whole school took part in online lessons linked to farming which the children really enjoyed. We also introduced our first Science gadget shop which was a huge hit with the children.

All of these amazing activities really ignited a passion for Science and showed what amazing budding scientists we have at Grangetown Primary.