Welcome to our Mathematics page! We hope you enjoy learning more about how this vital subject - and important life-skill - is taught at GPS!
Every day in school, from our 2-year-olds in nursery to our Year 6 pupils, our children are experiencing the world of mathematics all around them. As well as teaching key skills and knowledge about number, shape, space and measures, statistics, calculation, algebra and much more, our lessons also foster an understanding of problem-solving, methodical thinking and logical strategies. Maths offers children a powerful way of communicating. They learn to explore and explain their ideas using symbols, diagrams and spoken and written language. They also start to discover how mathematics has developed over time and how it contributes to our society and culture.
Intent, Implementation, Impact
At Grangetown Primary School we believe that mathematics is an essential life skill, concerned with numbers and their properties, number relations and operations, and with shapes in space and their structure and measurements. It is used to analyse and communicate information and ideas and to tackle a range of practical tasks and real life problems. Using the maths mastery approach, children engage with discussion about maths, explaining their thinking using mathematical vocabulary. Mathematical concepts are introduced using the ‘Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract’ approach, enabling all children to experience hands-on learning when discovering new mathematical topics, and allowing them to have clear models and images to aid their understanding. At Grangetown, we aim to develop an ability to solve problems, to reason, to think logically and to work systematically and accurately by giving the children confidence in applying a range of different strategies. We aim to present maths as challenging, exciting, creative and relevant and promote a positive and confident attitude.
At Grangetown, we are committed to providing a motivating, challenging and comprehensive maths curriculum that is accessible to all.
We use White Rose schemes of learning in maths which is enhanced by a wide range of resources. This mastery approach ensures a progressive and thorough curriculum from Reception to Year 6. Teachers know which objectives must be taught and assessed in each year group and can follow progressive small steps to ensure children have a comprehensive understanding of maths.
Within lessons, children acquire fluency skills by introducing concepts in a practical or concrete way to progress to pictorial then abstract (CPA).
Teachers teach the class as a whole, allow children time to practise and bring the class back together to move on. Differentiated learning is provided through a selection of tasks to consolidate fluency, use skills to solve problems or use skills and reasoning skills to solve higher-level challenge problems. Teachers use their professional judgement to determine the activities, timing and organisation in each lesson in order to suit the teaching objectives and ensure children understand each small step.
For pupils who may struggle or possibly ‘fall behind’ with parts of the curriculum adult support, use of additional resources and paired work are used to provide support. Additionally, intervention and consolidation is provided in the afternoon or lunchtime to ensure they are ready for the next lesson. For SEND pupils, who are working more than 2 years below age related, a separate curriculum may be more appropriate.
Regular maths meetings are used to support children in their learning either to revise a concept covered at an earlier time or for extra practise of a concept that children are finding difficult.
Maths resources are available and clearly labelled in each classroom enabling children to access them at any point to aid their maths understanding and support them to complete their task independently.
Our approach to teaching and learning of maths at Grangetown Primary results in a creative and engaging curriculum that embeds understanding and knowledge through hands on, practical activities. Our policy of self-marking and oral feedback within lessons supports children in recognising their strengths and areas for development. Children are encouraged to share their misconceptions or misunderstandings in order to discuss together in a supportive environment and learn from their peers. Discussion and explanation of mathematical thinking is included within lessons which strengthens the use of mathematical language where children are becoming more confident in explaining, justifying and evidencing their thinking.
The impact of our mathematics curriculum is that our children, across all abilities, move through the curriculum at a similar pace. Children are able to engage with mathematical discussions and make links between different domains of their learning. Teachers are encouraged to use their professional judgement at all times, meaning that children are given sufficient time to learn and practise each area of maths before they progress to a different domain. Formative assessment allows teachers the flexibility to intervene in a lesson to remind, redirect or re-teach pupils as required. We use a range of activities showing evidence of fluency, reasoning and problem solving. As a result of our maths teaching, feedback, support and interventions, children at Grangetown Primary School to strive to be the best mathematicians they can be and leave the school achieving their full potential with the skills required as they move toward adulthood.
Our Policies for Mathematics
- Overall Policy for Mathematics
- Calculation Policy - Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division
Curriculum Map for Mathematics
Our Curriculum Map for Mathematics provides an overview across Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.
Long Term Planning
Our Mathematics Long Term overview planning for years 1-6 is here.
Medium Term Planning
The autolist folder CURRICULUM/MATHS_MTPS_OCT22 does not exist or has been moved.
White Rose Maths
Click here for a single page PDF, set out year-group by year-group, term by term, with links to the White Rose Maths planning for each Unit taught.
Click here for the same information, set out in list style on a web-page.
Mastering Number
This project aims to secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense (a deep understanding of number) for all children from Reception through to Year 1 and Year 2. The aim over time is that children will leave KS1 and begin KS2 with fluency in calculation and a confidence and flexibility with number. Research shows that children with secure ‘number sense’ early on will make more progress later on in Maths and across the curriculum. In years 1 and 2, each class has a short (10-15 minutes) daily ‘Mastering Number’ session , 4 times a week, in addition to their main Maths lesson. In Reception, Mastering Number is the main daily maths lesson, rather than an extra. The content covered in each year-group is set out in the PDF files below.
Maths in Action!
- Spring Term 2024 - Years 3 and 4 - Multiplication
- Autumn Term 2023 - Reception - Maths is Everywhere
- Summer Term 2023 - Year 6 - Bakery
- Spring Term 2023 - Years R-3 - Mastering Number
- Autumn Term 2022 - Whole School - Magical Maths
- Summer Term 2022 - Cross curricular Maths
- Summer Term 2022 - Year 2 - Position and direction
- Spring Term 2022 - World Maths Day
- Spring Term 2022 - Year 1 - Measurement