At Grangetown, we teach French from year 1 to year 6. French is taught by our specialist French teacher, Mrs Blackett, and each class has a weekly 1 hour lesson.
Intent, Implementation, Impact
Grangetown Primary School celebrates and welcomes diversity within and beyond our school community. It is our aim to introduce learners to the wider world and increase their knowledge and understanding of other cultures. Learning an additional language gives our pupils the opportunity to widen and expand their understanding of the world - this breaks down barriers, encourages the learner to become more open minded and builds tolerance. Learning a language is also valid from a technical viewpoint, in terms of the mechanics of how language works, the comparisons made with English and the subsequent positive impact upon other academic disciplines.
Our language lessons have been designed to introduce pupils to a new language and to understand more about the culture of the countries where this language is spoken. We intend to build language learning skills in our pupils in order for them to make further progress when they make the transition to key stage 3. Our MFL curriculum has been designed to allow children to make progress in the key skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing. Lessons are carefully sequenced and are based around the three main pillars of vocabulary, grammar and phonics. Learners have the opportunity to use prior knowledge to aid their understanding and to make progress.
Children from year 1 to year 6 have an hour-long French lesson each week. Lessons are designed to build on prior knowledge of phonics, grammar and vocabulary. They ensure progression in the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing and move from word to sentence level over the course of the time the children study MFL at GPS. Lessons are taught by a specialist language teacher to ensure accurate pronunciation and clear teaching of grammatical knowledge.
Lessons ensure support for less able children and extension activities for more able learners. Resources are varied and interesting and include interactive whiteboard activities, storybooks, songs and rhymes.
Vocabulary has been chosen to ensure that learners are exposed to all the key phonic sounds and to hold the attention of pupils. Written work is recorded in pupil’s French books and spoken French is recorded by the specialist teacher to highlight progression. Formative assessment in each lesson informs the planning and teaching of subsequent lessons.
The skills and knowledge taught in French lessons are designed to give our pupils the opportunity to make good progress in an additional language. They enjoy the use of songs, stories and rhymes to aid their learning. They are proud of the progress they make. Our children often highlight aspects of French in lessons which demonstrate that they are using language learning skills effectively. Progress is measured using a bi-annual teacher assessment, discussions with pupils about their learning, lesson observations and moderation of pupil’s books. The cultural impact of learning a language – referred to above - is also a key benefit.
Our Policy for French
Our French Policy is here.
Curriculum Map for French
Our French Subject Map provides an overview across Years 1-6.
Long Term Planning
Our Long Term planning for French, from our Quest document, is here.
Medium Term Planning
How we Assess in French
In French lessons, assessment is continuous. The children are assessed using this Knowledge and Skills Progression Document - this forms the basis of assessment during lessons as well as at the end of a unit of work. This document is based on the work of modern foreign languages consultant Sue Cave .
In Key Stage 1, assessment is formative. Children are monitored to check their attainment within the lesson. Simple questions allow this to take place. Games also allow assessment of knowledge gained by children.
In Key Stage 2, on a half-termly basis, the children are assessed in either speaking, listening, reading or writing, using the assessment targets in the progression document. These targets demonstrate a progression through the Key Stage 2 MFL Programme of Study. All four aspects of language learning are assessed over the course of the academic year. Provision is made to allow SEN children to access further support during assessments. Children in Key Stage 2 also complete a self-assessment which enables them to consider what they have achieved and what they need to work on further to enable progression.
French in Action!
- Summer 2024 - Year 3 - Describing Paris and London
- Spring Term 2024 - Year 4 - Creatures from the Sea and Woods
- Autumn 2023 - Year 2 - Days of the Week
- Summer Term 2023 - Year 1 - At the Farm
- Spring Term 2023 - Year 3 - French Phonics
- Autumn Term 2022 - Year 6 - Where Are You Going
- Summer Term 2022 - Year 2 - Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes
- Summer Term 2022 - Year 5 - Telling the Time
- Spring Term 2022 - Year 3 - Visiting Paris
- Spring Term 2022 - Year 4 - Animals
- Summer Term 2020 - GPS win national competition - French Pop Video