How to make payments
There are currently three main ways to make payments (e.g. for school dinners, trips, Clubs, Breakfast Club, Home from Home, etc):
- Online, via our recently introduced Arbor Parent Portal. There's an App, as well as a website. For full instructions, click here. This method is convenient and fast, and - as well as a means of making payments - the Arbor App is a useful communication tool between school and home. If you need any further guidance related to the use of Arbor, please pop into school to speak with our Admin team (or give us a ring).
- Online, via Sunderland Council. Go to the Sunderland City Council website, and click Pay. Note that, once Arbor is established, we will phase out the use of the Council system for payments.
- Cash, at our Office. We are planning to always accept & to welcome cash payments. Cash represents both convenience - and freedom of choice - for parents/carers.