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Grangetown Primary

Quest 2: Medium Term Planning

Quest 2

Following our Quest 1 project, in which we reviewed and updated or Long Term Planning, we embarked upon Quest 2 - a complete review of our Medium Term Planning.

Key principles:

  • Subjects, not topics.
  • Careful sequencing of content.
  • A focus upon knowledge, and a rigorous and carefully thought-through approach to decisions around: 'What do the children need to learn in this subject'?
  • Continued commitment to our long-standing belief that, where appropriate, hands-on and practical experiences can create meaning and greatly enhance learning.

All of our Medium Term Planning is on our EYFS and Curriculum Subject web pages (in the menu to the right of this webpage), in the drop down menus, arranged chronologically. Also, we have collated our Quest 2 Medium Term National Curriculum Planning, to create our GPS Quest 2 document.