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Grangetown Primary

Contact us - & our location

Contact Us

For Enquiries

For enquiries, please contact the school via our Office - our Admin team will usually be able to deal with your query, though sometimes they will need to consult with another staff member. The Office is open 8.30am-4.30pm daily, and you are very welcome to pop in - or you can of course ring or email us - details below.

Please note that parents/carers can briefly catch class teachers daily at the start or the end of each day, when dropping-off or collecting your child, and for a longer discussion an appointment can be made.

  • Telephone: 0191 814 9820
  • Email: office@grangetown.sunderland.sch.uk

Administrative Team

  • Mrs J Rimmington - Admin & Finance Officer
  • Miss A Burlison - Admin & Finance Officer
  • Miss L Nilsson - Admin Assistant.


Grangetown Primary School,
Spelterworks Road,
Grangetown, Sunderland,
Tyne and Wear, SR2 8PX.

Senior Staff

  • Mr L McAnaney - Headteacher
  • Mrs V Hanlon - Deputy Headteacher - acting - (SENDCo & Designated Safeguarding Lead)

Mr McAnaney and Mrs Hanlon can be contacted through the school Office - feel free to pop in with your query - or via the Office email address above, or by ringing the main school telephone number. Queries will be dealt with as soon as possible; if an appointment is needed that can be arranged via our Office.

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo)

Our SENDCo is Mrs Hanlon (Acting DHT), and she can be contacted via the school Office - feel free to pop in with your query - or via the Office email address above, or by ringing the main school telephone number. Queries will be dealt with as soon as possible; if an appointment is needed that can be arranged via our Office.

Social Media

Our main social media is Facebook. We use our Facebook two accounts to keep parents up to date, and to celebrate learning. We have found over the years that parents/carers prefer Facebook, so we have gradually shifted to Facebook as our main social media platform.

Though we do have X and Instagram accounts, we rarely use them nowadays, but maintain them simply to give the school a 'presence' on those platforms and the ability to keep in touch with other education and school accounts.

We have a You Tube channel, simply as a mechanism for adding videos to our website.

Our Location