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Grangetown Primary

Year 2 - Miss Burn

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Welcome to Year 2JB's class page! 

My name is Miss Burn and I am your child's class teacher in Year 2 for the 24/25 academic year. Miss Duggan is our teaching assistant. There are 20 wonderful children in our class and we cannot wait to work with each and every one of them. 



  • Monster Phonics reading books and sharing books are changed every Monday
  • These books should be brought into school everyday
  • Children are expected to read at least three time per week with an adult at home
  • Books will only be changed if the home school diary has been signed three times
  • If you would like to know more about Monster Phonics click here


  • PE is on a Friday and the children can wear their school PE kit all day 
  • No jewellery to be worn

Learning at home

  • Learning at home jobs are sent home on a Friday and should be returned the following Thursday.
  • These jobs will focus on spelling, handwriting, reading and times tables.

Autumn 1 


Year 2JB have been retelling the story of 'How to Catch a Star' by Oliver Jeffers. We began by reading the story and creating a story map of the events of the story. We even made actions to go with our story map and learned them off by heart! After this, we began to write our story. The whole class worked extremely hard and produced some outstanding pieces of work! Miss Burn and Miss Duggan were extremely impressed!  


Our topic in maths this half term has been 'Number and Place Value'.  The children have thoroughly enjoyed using base 10 to explore the place value of numbers up to 100. At the end of the topic, we recapped our learning of counting in 2s, 5s and 10s using cubes and even Lego! Who knew Lego could be used in maths? We have started to look at counting in 4s as well, something that is new to Year 2, and we have made an excellent start. 

At the end of this half term, we have moved on to our new 'Addition and Subtraction' unit. We have wowed Miss Burn and Mrs Begum with our knowledge of number bonds to 10 and fact families and we have loved being able to use tens frames to support our knowledge. 

We can't wait to see what we get up to in maths in Autumn 2! 


In science, Year 2 had a visit from Andy’s Animal Adventures as part of our topic ‘Animals and Living T Things’. We explored animals and their offspring and we even got to see a tortoise and it’s child! There were lots of other animals too, such as chinchillas, a monkey, a parrot and a blue-tongued skink. We loved being able to stroke them! What an amazing experience!