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Grangetown Primary

Year 1 - Miss Tose

Welcome to Year 1! This year we have  25 wonderful children in our class and this page is where we will share our learning journey with you all! Here you will find reminders, photographs, examples of work and you will see just how much fun we have in Year 1 whilst learning important information and new skills. 



  • Monster Phonics reading books and sharing books are changed when your child reads their book 3x at home. Please remember to sign the home link book each time your child reads! 
  • These books should be brought into school everyday so books can be changed and notes can be added to your child's home link book.
  • Children are expected to read at least three time per week with an adult at home
  • Remember to also read books for pleasure! Bedtime stories are the best and develop your child's understanding, vocabulary and language!
  • If you would like to know more about Monster Phonics click here


  • PE will be on a Wednesday afternoon and the children can wear their school PE kit to school. You can also bring your PE kit into school if you would prefer your child to change in school.
  • No jewellery to be worn! Please remove earring studs on the morning of PE.
  • Please remember to tie long hair up! 


At Grangetown, our goal is to ensure that children are confident, fluent and independent readers. We want children to be excited about reading and have a passion for reading. 

Reading develops language skills and vocabulary.. It helps to build focus and concentration as well as improving writing skills. It is also an enjoyable activity which can be shared with anyone who is willing to listen. 

Could we ask that parents try to read with their child at least 3x a week at home. It really does make a difference and your children love showing off their reading skills!

December Snowtubing! 

We had the most amazing time at Silksworth Ski Slope where we had the opportunity to go snow tubing! We sat on inflatable rubber donuts and raced down the slope as fast as we could! We went all the way to the top of the slope and this meant we were going so much faster! Everyone was so brave, gave it a go and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Afterwards, we met Santa and had hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows. We told Santa what we wanted for Christmas and our teachers confirmed we had all been good boys and girls. 

December - Groundworks Workshop 

We had a wonderful visit from Laura at Groundworks who came to work with us linked to recycling. Laura brought us some recycled cardboard and wool and we wove the wool around the cardboard in a pattern to create a Christmas bauble. Along the way, we learnt about what can be recycled and what can’t. We can’t wait to show our Mums and Dads our decorations for our tree! Thank you again to Laura and the team at Groundworks!

November 2024- Computing

This half term, we have been learning all about digital art in Year 1. We have used the programme iLearn2 to create our own digital art pieces which uses pixels. Using ilearn2, we  have explored how to change the colour of individual pixels to accurately re-create basic artwork and how to use the zoom controls to help fill smaller shapes. The children enjoyed it that much they asked for the code so they could continue at home. Look at our wonderful pieces of art we re-created using our ipads! Fantastic job Year 1!


 Andy's Animal Encounters! 

We had a fantastic visit from Andy and his animals to learn about animal groups and animal diets. We loved looking at the chinchillas, tortoises, snakes, lizards and parrot to learn about which animal group they belong to. We even fed a marmoset monkey which was amazing! We learnt new language such as carnivore, herbivore and omnivore as well as mammal, amphibian, reptile, bird and fish. Well done Year 1!

October 2024- St Aidan's Church Visit 

 After learning about a Christian Baptism in RE, we visited St Aidan’s Church to learn more about it from Father David. We began by learning about the different oils used, the baptism candle, and the shell used in the holy water. We then dressed in the different robes and were assigned characters who would be in a baptism ceremony such as godparents and the parents. We then gathered round the font and Father David baptised Dave the minion whilst we helped. We were told the story of Jesus being baptised and this made us fully understand why Christians want to be baptised. A huge thank you to Father David for inviting us to the Church to take part!

 September 2024 - Sunderland Museum and Winter Gardens!

We had the fantastic opportunity to visit Sunderland Museum and Winter Gardens to take part in a workshop based on the 5 senses. We worked in the community garden where we tasted herbs, went on a bug hunt, conducted a listening test and did a scavenger hunt. We then moved into Mowbray Park where we made tree faces out of clay and played the blindfold tree game. We then made a sensory potion using all of the natural things we had found. After lunch we explored the Museum and Winter Gardens and loved the coal mining section! We then spent the sunny afternoon on the park. The children were so well behaved- we are so proud of you all! Well done Year 1!