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Grangetown Primary


Welcome to MusicWeekly music lessons take place in our large Community Room which is ideal for whole-class music making. The room is well-resourced with lots of musical instruments that are used throughout our music curriculum.

Click the + sign next to each title, below, to see what our young musicians have been up to lately!


Choir at Christmas!

Choir on yard

Being in a choir at Christmas is a very special job as we need to bring Christmas cheer to everyone. This Festive season the choir has a blast performing a mix of songs to bring musical cheer to everyone passing by. The choir had so much fun getting dressed up in tinsel and hats and getting ready to show off their hard work from rehearsals! The children in the choir worked together to pick the best songs from the repertoire of songs they had learned during the term and took great pride in performing them for everyone! Everyone watching was incredibly generous, giving wonderful donations which the choir has begun to save up to put towards special choir polo shirts for performances.

Writing a Song with Marty Longstaff!


During the last two weeks, the year 5 children had the wonderful opportunity to help write and record their own song. Working with singer/songwriter Marty Longstaff, the children worked together to give their own ideas linking to what makes them sad, mad and glad. They talked about how emotions were an excellent start to writing their own song. Marty took away all of our suggestions and ideas and put them into a song, to spread the word of how to take care of others. This week, Marty returned to Grangetown and taught the children their wonderful new song. We then sang each of the verses and chorus, being recorded as we went. Marty is now putting the recording together to create the whole song. We all had a wonderful time, listening to Marty sing and then singing with him, and can’t wait to hear the final version of our song. See the chorus of the song here.

Christmas Singing Extravaganza!


Last week, each class in KS2 came together for our annual singing event. Each class chose a Christmas song to perform and the school council did a fantastic job at narrating the event. There were jingle bells, guitars and some wonderful dancing throughout the afternoon. Our school choir sang two songs beautifully. It was a lovely way to get into the festive spirit. Thank you to all of our parents and carers for coming to join us.


Ukulele and performance!

Year 5 have had a fantastic half term learning how to play the Ukulele! They have begun to play up to three chords including C major, F major and G7. This has been a tricky new skill to obtain but they have persevered and are doing extremely well. They have even been able to play some songs! As their confidence grew, when using the C major chord in a song, they then divided into groups to work on creating a performance. Year 5 shone and sparkled in their small group performances and everyone was eager to share what they had worked on. These budding musicians are oozing with enthusiasm and confidence when they play and they can’t wait to learn more. 



The children in our new Choir have been learning a selection of popular and well know songs. For our last session of the half term we even enjoyed a dance along to our favourite songs. We’re looking forward to learning more songs, and we are hoping to perform them for GPS families and for the whole school! 


Exploring Rhythm and Notation

This term in year 6 we have begun to explore rhythm and rhythm notation! We have looked at beat and finding the beat in our favourite and well known songs. Using our dancing  feet we found the beat. The class have enjoyed using rhythm sticks to create their own rhythm and have begun to move onto rhythm notation! We have danced, played and performed multiple rhythm patterns and have started to explore what this means. Year 5 are eager to learn about pitch next so they can try to write their own songs using musical notation. They hope to move onto this in the coming terms so they can create, play and perform their own pieces of music. Future composers at the ready!

Southmoor Music Project


In July we were invited to join a very special music project at Southmoor, offering children from three local primary schools the chance to learn to play a ‘brass’ instrument. Each school was allocated four places.  The children are learning either trumpet or trombone, and are attending a special after school session at Southmoor every week, as well as having a lesson at GPS. This is a two year project, and we wish our young musicians ‘all the best’ as they embark upon their musical adventure!