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Grangetown Primary

Welcome to year 5!

  • Some important reminders:

    • PE is on a Monday. Children should bring their swimming kit to school.
    • Football with Arj is on a Friday lunchtime. Please bring football kits to school to change into.
    • Children should bring their reading book to school each day and should have it signed by an adult at least three times each week.
    • Homework is given on a Friday and should be returned by the following Thursday.
    • Each week the children have a spelling test, the spellings are given out on a Monday and are tested the following Monday.
    • Please remember to bring a water bottle to school each day.

Autumn 2

This half term the children will be reading the novel 'The Boy who Grew Dragons', and this will inspire their own narrative, which will include humour.  They will also write a non-chronological report about their very own dragon. In Maths, the children will learn about and use multiples, factors, prime numbers and square numbers.  They will multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000.  They will compare and order fractions, convert improper fractions into proper fractions and vice versa and they will add and subtract using fractions.  In Science, the children will be learning about forces.  They will investigate friction, air resistance and water resistance.  In DT, the children will investigate mechanical systems and use pulleys and gears to create a machine that can pick an object up.  In RE, the children will explore the true meaning of Christmas.  In Computing, the children will use a range of music programs to create and edit musical compositions.  In Geography, the children will learn about the countries of North America, the human and physical features of these countries and the capital cities of these countries.  In PE, the children will  be doing dance.  In PSHE, the children will consider what racism is and why it is important to be different.

Baskteball session and tournament

This term year 5 took part in a basketball session where they learned some new skills, they learned how to dribble, turn with the ball and shoot. They put these skills into practise when they attended a basketball tournament against other schools. The children played brilliantly and showcased their talent. They demonstrated fantastic sportsmanship skills and were very successful. The children in Team 1 came first without losing a game all morning and team 2 came third and they both have progressed to the finals.



Year 5 engineers making buggys

This term year 5 have been focusing on forces in Science They began by learning about 4 different forces, gravity, friction, air resistance and water resistance. In each lesson they carried out an experiment to find out the effects of each force on different materials. To end our unit, we all made buggys, we thought about the design of our buggy to ensure it travelled smoothly. As a class we discussed the forces acting upon the buggy. Finally we raced them.


Autumn 1

This half term the children will be learning about the Roman Invasion of Britain and will be reading a book with a Roman theme, called 'The Queen of Darkness' as their class reading book.  This book will be used to inspire their writing in English.  In English they will be writing a narrative set in Roman Britain.  Also in English, they will be learning about alliteration, the rule of three and using speech.  In Maths, the children will learn about place value, adding and subtracting with numbers with more than 4 digits and rounding of numbers.  In Art, the children will study the work of LS Lowry and produce their own version of his work using oil pastels.  In RE, the children will complete a Christianity unit, which looks as God as holy and loving.  In Science, the children will be learning about the properties of materials and conducting experiments about these.  In PE, the children will complete a dance unit and in Computing, the children will code using a program called Scratch. 

Coals to Goals 

This term year 5 went on a visit to the Beacon of Light, for a heritage day. They began the day learning about the history of coal mining in Sunderland and the lives of the miners, they handled davy lamps and jowl sticks. They then completed a quiz about it. Before lunch, they went for a tour around the stadium and searched for local memorabilia.  They learned about the history of Sunderland AFC and their famous FA cup win in 1973. After lunch, the children took part in a P.E lesson where they played team games. Then they learned about the history of the Sunderland badge and strips over the years, they looked at some Sunderland football shirts and designed their own badge. We had a great day and the children thoroughly enjoyed learning the history of their town.

Athletics Tournament

Year 5 visited the Raich Carter on Monday 21st October 2024 to take part in an athletics competition against 2 other schools (Hudson Road and Valley Road). They participated in running events including relays and obstacle races. Also, they took part in field events including chest push, standing long jump, triple jump, vertical jump, javelin and speed bounce. All children gave their everything in every event and made us as teachers extremely proud. The children showed fantastic sportsmanship and were a credit to the school. Grangetown will find out later this month if their scores/times were enough to be in the top 5 in Sunderland. Everyone had a incredible afternoon and enjoyed taking part in the competition.