Year 4 - Miss Humble
Welcome to Year 4!
Some important reminders:
- PE is on a Friday and the children can wear their school PE kit all day.
- Football with Arj is on a Wednesday lunchtime. Please bring football kits to school to change into. ⚽️👟
- Water bottles should be brought in to school every day.
- Please remember to bring in reading books and home school diaries every day. 📖📘
Spring 1
This half term we will be having fun learning all about life in Ancient Greece. The children will engage in interesting and exciting activities and reading our class book Leo and the Gorgon's curse. We will be studying Greek life, their achievements and their influence on the Western world. The children will even have the opportunity to take part in 'Groovy Greek Day' where we will have a taste of what life would be like living in Ancient Greece.
This half term Year 4 have been looking at the artist Robert Delauney. We have experimented with warm and cool colours to create vibrant and detailed drawings and had a go at replicating his style in the form of Poseidon's Temple, linking in with our topic on Ancient Greece.
Guided Reading
In Guided Reading, Year 4 have been looking at Rap poetry. The children have read a range of rap poems focusing on pace, expression, rhythm and vocabulary. The children have discussed similarities and differences between different rap poems as well as which poems they prefer and why. We have identified the meaning of different poems and where a poet has used sound effects or rhyming patterns to support with understanding the meaning.
In Computing this half term we are creating E books. We will be designing our very own E book all about Ancient Greece! We will be designing a eye catching front cover as well as pages on Greek Gods, food, clothing, number system and famous monuments. This will link in with our English and History lessons this half term.
In Science this term, Year 4 are learning about the different types of human teeth and the special functions they each have. We will also be looking at how to look after our teeth and what happens when we drink fizzy pop! As well as this, we will also be looking at different parts of our digestive system and the process of swallowing food.
Autumn 2
Design and Technology
In Design and Technology this term, the children have been researching the types of food Arctic explorers eat. We have discussed the nutritional value and how their diets may be different to ours. We have designed posters on some popular Arctic foods including Pemmican and Expedition cake, thinking about how and where the ingredients are grown as well as researching the food and nutritional elements. As well as this, we had a go at making our very own Sledging Biscuits which Arctic explorers still eat today, eaten by people who are working away from bases in the Arctic as a dietry staple.
Dodgeball 🏐
The children had a brilliant time at Sunderland Tennis Centre competing in a Year 4 dodgeball festival. The children worked really hard as four seperate teams to score points against other schools.
Science 🧪
Year 4 have thoroughly enjoyed our Science topic on States of Matter. This half term we are continuing to experiment with solids, liquids and gases and began by experimenting with making our own butter! We experimented with cream in a bottle and made observations based on what happened when we shook it. The children loved watching the cream gradually turn form.
Arctic Day ❄️
This half term the children have taken part in Arctic Day! The children had a brilliant time learning about what life would be like in the Arctic. The children had the chance to try on clothing which would protect them in the cold conditions as well as cooking and tasting some rationed food! The workshop provided the children with a strong understanding of life in the Arctic which will support them in Science, DT, English and Geography this half term!
Autumn 1
Year 4 had a fantastic visit to St Aidan's Church earlier this month where Father David taught us all about Baptism in the Christian Church, this linked in with our recent RE lessons on the topic of Baptism. The children learnt about the importance of the Holy Water and its purpose in the ceremony. The children also had the opportunity to hold the christening shell and candle, as well as witnessing a christening take place... of a minion that is. After watching the ceremony the children were able to take a look around the church and have the opportunity to speak to Father David about any questions they had.
Science 🧪
In science this half term we have been discussing the three states of matter and asking 'is it a solid, liquid or gas?'. We have completed research and carried out experiments in order to know which materials are solids, liquids or gases. We have been able to describe the properties of each state and can show the difference between the particles. We recently completed an experiment to see whether or not the size of an ice cube impacts how fast it melts and recorded our findings in our workbooks.
Dance 💃
This half term the children will be focusing on Dance during P.E. They will work with partners, in groups and as a class to create dances using movement patterns to structure the dance phrases. They will refine, repeat and remember dance phrases and dances.
Planting bulbs 🌱
The children had a lovely afternoon planting bulbs in our fabulous new courtyard. The children could each plant their own bulb using our new gardening tools. We are so excited to watch them grow and see what colour plants emerge from the soil!
🚒 Fire Safety visit 🚒
Year 4 had the opportunity to be involved in an educational visit from Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue service! We have been taught how to hazard spot at home in order to stay safe and avoid danger!
⭐️ Goals ⭐️
The children in Year 4 have had a fabulous time designing their upcoming goals for the year ahead. The children have decided on goals for English and Maths as well as a goal for their behaviour around school. Well done Y4EH!
🍁 Autumn 1 🍁
In Year 4 this term the children will be learning all about the Mayan civilization. We will cover this topic in both English and History. The children will be reading the Rain Player book which will provide inspiration and ideas for their writing.
In Science we will be learning all about different states of matter and the children will learn to group materials based on whether they are solids, liquids or gases. In RE we will learn all about baptism and the Holy Trinity and in Art we will be introduced to the artists Quentin Blake and Petra Palmeri.