Year 2 - Miss Langton
Note that this class - with Miss Langton - operated between January 2024 and late-May 2024. During Autumn 2023, Year 2 was made up of a single class (Mrs Roberts). For June and July 2024, we re-organised and created a single Year 2 class (Mrs Roberts) and a mixed Year 1/2 class (Miss Tose).

- Monster Phonics reading books and sharing books are changed every Monday.
- These books should be brought into school everyday.
- Children are expected to read at least three time per week with an adult at home.
- Books will only be changed if the home school diary has been signed three times.
- PE is on a Monday and the children can wear their school PE kit all day.
- No jewellery to be worn.
Learning at home
- Learning at home jobs are sent home on a Friday and should be returned the following Thursday.
- These jobs will focus on spelling, handwriting, reading and times tables.
world book day!
This term, the children took part in World Book Day, this is the annual celebration of authors, illustrators, books and the joy of reading. The children had a great day doing lots of fun World Book Day activities such as; designing their own book cover, colouring in a bookmark and doing word searches. The children really enjoyed creating their very own World Book Day T-shirts, they got to choose their favourite book that they love to read and draw it on to the T-shirts. They looked fantastic! At the end of the day the children got the opportunity to split into groups and go to another class, where they were able to share a story with their peers from another year group.
religious education and design technology
This term in RE the children have really enjoyed learning about new life and the Easter story. The children were able to go on a little walk around the schools outdoor environment to look for signs of 'new life', they managed to take some excellent photos.
In Design Technology the children have designed and sewn an Easter decoration. They were able to learn lots of new skills such as, how to thread a needle, and how to sew. The children had lots of fun doing this and they got a great sense of achievement when they finished and took them home.
The children have enjoyed visiting the school library, they were able to explore books of interest and read to each other. At the end of the visit the children each selected a book that they can take back to class to read and then they get to return it when we visit the library again.
In art the children have explored the artist Michelle Stitzlein, we looked at her art work and analysed what different materials she used. After doing this the children then planned and created their own piece of art work following the inspiration from Michelle Stitzlein. They were able to join clay together to form patterns and shapes and use a variety of recycled materials to decorate.