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Grangetown Primary

OUR Vision and Values


Our Vision - comprising our Mission, Values, Aims and Strategic Intentions - will act as as our ‘guiding star’, as we move forward and navigate the many exciting challenges and opportunities involved in our journey as a school community.

During Summer Term 2022, we worked together as a team (staff, governors, children, parents) to update our Vision for the school. This 3 year plan - 'Going Places - Our Vision for 2022-2025  - A Quest for Excellence’ - builds upon our previous Vision document - 'GPS 2020 Vision'.

The new document took shape during June and July 2022, and was updated in September. It will be reviewed and updated on a termly basis.

Our Mission Statement

Our aspirational vision for the school, created through consultation with staff, governors, pupils and families, is summed up as follows: ‘Enjoy – Respect – Achieve’. This is further set-out in our mission statement:

'At Grangetown we provide enjoyable, challenging and engaging learning experiences within a stimulating and vibrant environment. We promote a strong sense of self-worth combined with respect for others. Our exciting and well-structured curriculum, allied to high quality teaching, ensures that all children achieve their very best'.

Our Values

  • Respect - we promote respect for self, for others and for property.
  • Cooperation & Trust - we value teamwork and positive relationships.
  • Consideration - we are caring, we help each other whenever possible.
  • Acceptance & Tolerance - all members of our school community are valued.
  • Equality - we promote equal opportunities for all.
  • Honesty - we promote open, honest, sensitive & constructive communication at all levels and at all times.
  • Partnership - as well as building positive links within school, we look outwards to form relationships that will enhance learning (parents/carers, local community, national, international).

Our Aims

At Grangetown we aim to:

  • Create a happy, safe, caring, nurturing and stimulating environment
  • Promote an ethos based upon teamwork, within which all are valued
  • Ensure that teaching and learning are of the highest possible quality
  • Ensure that every child achieves their full potential
  • Ensure that each child has equal access to a broad, balanced, meaningful curriculum, based on real-life, practical experiences, organised and taught in a manner which displays an understanding of how children learn most effectively
  • Ensure that every child is literate and numerate, and that they also gain opportunities to take part and excel in the sciences, the arts, cultural activities, humanities, and in digital activities (computing, internet)
  • To give children opportunities to participate in and excel in sport – including competitive sport - to learn skills, get fit, and learn about fairness and teamwork.
  • Encourage every child to aim high, reach for the stars, and to ‘believe that they can achieve’
  • Encourage children to be adventurous and inquisitive, to develop as independent learners, to persevere, and to develop a passion for learning
  • Help every child develop the skills and attitudes they will need to fulfil their potential as independent, motivated learners, and as responsible citizens (in line with our SMSC & British Values approaches).
  • Enable all children to become confident, secure, caring individuals who achieve personal success and develop a love of learning
  • Make learning vivid, real, relevant, enjoyable and challenging
  • Recognise and celebrate success in everyone
  • Promote an ethos that encourages respect for oneself, for others and for property
  • Ensure that staff are valued, well-motivated & working effectively as a team, and that they have access to high quality professional development
  • Create a partnership with home based upon respect and trust; encourage parents to become involved in their child’s education
  • Build strong links with the local Grangetown and Sunderland community and establish links with partners beyond the school (national & international); ensure these links strengthen our Curriculum
  • Ensure that staff, children, parents and governors work together to actively promote and further develop our shared vision. 

Education is not the filling of a bucket, but the lighting of a fire.          William Butler Yeats

Lighting of a fire